Thursday 17 February 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts

Sorry for not updating more regularly all.

Had a busy few weeks, and I really need to finish building my place. In addition, I'm doing extra work for interbrand in the evenings, so I've been rather busy.

However, I do have a few thing to report. I now have a cell/mobile phone!

I'm not putting the number here, but if you want it, please e-mail or facebook me and I'll let you know.

I have to admit, that a) US cell phone contracts are crazily expensive, and b) AT&T are awful. And yet, I can't live without an iPhone, so what's a macboy to do?

Also, I'm getting broadband installed on tuesday so from then onwards I'll be far more regular in my postings.

I've done quite a bit of DIY on my place, although I have a fellow reader visiting soon who'd like it to remain a surprise, so when they've gone I'll update with new photos.

For now, here are a few more posts:

Monday 14 February 2011

New York Botanical Gardens

In an effort to get away from the unending cold in NY at this time of year, I paid a visit to my local botanical gardens.

While no match for Kew or Eden, this is a) much cheaper and b) much closer (to me anyway).

Going from the outdoors that looked like this:

to an indoor environment like this:

Is quite a shock to the system. It certainly makes stripping off the 10 winter layers you're wearing a necessity. It's a beautiful place. The buildings are pretty ugly and 80s, but the plants are great and mostly, it's really really warm.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Wet Pain

Yes, I know Jennifer Aniston is pretty wet.

She can't keep a man and she's too nice for her own good.
And, yes, I know her films are terrible, some of which are so bad they can cause actual physical pain (cough-marley-and-me-cough-cough).

But to tape an official sign to her poster is probably taking it a little too far.

Or did they mean Adam Sandler?

In which case the sign is totally justified.

