Saturday 28 May 2011

Shameless copy #04

Culinary worlds collide. I sincerely hope he gets his own pudding loving sidekick. I'm not sure that Janet Street Porter will quite fit the bill this time Gordon.

Am I the only person who hopes the pie is being thrown at his head? If only to wipe that smug smile off his face.

Most of you won't care about this, but the typography in the top right corner is a car crash. The line is shit too. Moan over. My next post will be happier :)

Land Rover photoshoot

Ever wondered how they make cars look so shiny and cool in magazines?

Hanging a giant glowing moon over the car doesn't hurt. It bounced up and down over the car while the photographer blazed away. 

As this was in Time's Square and open to the public car was surrounded by (very) small signs pointing out that anyone who wanders into the shot gives up all rights to the use of their image in the advert.

Big Gay Ice cream Truck

The only thing better than taking a photo of the awesomely named Big Gay Ice cream Truck, is taking a photo of someone else taking a photo of their ice cream in front of the awesomely named Big Gay Ice cream Truck.

Street Plans

I've been trying to think of some witty comment to go with this image, around planning a war,  but nothing comes to mind. Can anyone help me?

I'll probably use this photo for future presentations about New York. It couldn't really be anywhere else.


A couple of weeks ago my cousin visited. I don't know why I'm putting a time reference in here, this blog is now terribly unchronological.

He'd never been to New York before and was only here for a day and a half, so we tried to cram in as much of NY as we could. In that time we managed to do:

The Brooklyn Bridge
Grand Central Station
Central Park
Time Square
Rockefeller Plaza
Radio City
Blue Smoke BBQ
Union Square
Chelsea Market
The Highline
Park Slope

While possible to fit all this into a couple of days, I probably wouldn't recommend it. God damn we were tired by the end of the second day.

Here are a few photos of Jon around New York to prove he was really here.

At Grand Central

At MoMA (mimicking a photo I took earlier this year)

At The Highline

Another shot I took in MoMA that I like. I could have photoshopped Jon in here, but it may have looked a little weird.

Cat Head Man

Sometimes you see something so weird that it's hard to add any commentary. This is indeed a man walking through Union Square with a cat on his head. I can confirm this wasn't a dead cat, or an animatronic cat, it's a real, and extremely well trained kitty. Although the cat was on a leash, I'm not entirely sure how this is of any benefit to the cat. A cat that's prepared to ride on your head isn't likely to run away.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, I was trying to be subtle. Although looking back, I'm not sure why. It's not as though he could chase after me without annoying his hat.
